Thursday, November 7, 2024
10-11H am
Pierre et Marie Curie campus
ECP meeting room
Corridor 43-53, room 522
This session (in English) will be presented by Jan Patrick CALUPITAN, new CR in the ECP group.
« Ready, set, go: pi-conjugated materials for applications
from energy storage, emitters & spintronics »
The versatility of design principles available to π-conjugated materials allows chemical engineering of many properties and functions into organic materials. Such wide variety is reflected in the applications of organic materials today. From optics, electronics, pharmaceuticals to nanosciences, biology and medicine…the list goes on and on and on.
This presentation delves into a small foray of molecular designs and corresponding applications: photoswitches not only for opto-electronics but also for x-ray dosimeters and energy storage; donor-acceptor molecules as force sensors; and flat graphenic structures for spintronics and magnetism. In the process, various characterisation techniques will also be explored, allowing for a holistic view of π-conjugated materials from design, to synthesis, and characterisation