Presentation E-POM group
The E-POM group claims a strong expertise in molecular inorganic chemistry, in the synthesis of polymetallic coordination complexes including polyoxometalates (nano-scaled molecular oxides or POMs) and polycyanometalates, up to mesoscopic assemblies.
We are thus able to provide tailor-made advanced architectures or functionalized building blocks to address several societal issues related to:
- environmental challenges: development of improved catalysts for sustainable chemistry, CO2 reduction, sensors
- alternative energies: water photodissociation, organic photovoltaics
- information technologies: switchable molecules for information processing and data storage.
- health: POMs amyloid peptide interactions.
The molecular structures and the electronic, optical and/or magnetic properties of the inorganic platforms we are handling are investigated by many characterization techniques, especially multi-nuclear NMR, electrochemistry, absorption spectroscopies, X-ray diffraction, EPR, SQUID, PPMS, scanning probe microscopies.
Using the tools of molecular inorganic chemistry and supramolecular chemistry, we are exploring the bottom-up approach to (multi)-functional materials for catalysis and molecular nanosciences.
Expertise fields:
coordination chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, surface chemistry, catalysis
heteropolymetallic complexes, polycyanometalates, polyoxometalates, organic-inorganic hybrids, dendrimers, self-assembled architectures, thin films, spin reservoirs, electron reservoirs
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Contact us
Sorbonne University
4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 5
Tower 43-44, 5th floor
E-POM team
Phone : 33(0)1 44 27 30 34